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Ten Reasons Why You Should Switch To An Electric Car

What do you know about electric cars? Have you ever considered making the switch to one? If not, here are 10 reasons why you should consider switching to an electric car today! They’re cheaper than gas-powered cars the cost of electricity is steadily decreasing, which means that more and more people are switching to this type of car. In many areas, it’s now even cheaper to drive an electric car than it is to drive a gas-powered car!

They’re Environmentally Friendly

Electricity is a renewable resource, unlike gas or oil. When you run an electric car on clean power, it doesn’t produce harmful emissions. Driving an electric car helps reduce smog and global warming—which means cleaner air for everyone. Not only are they better for our planet; they’re also better for your wallet. Electricity costs half as much as gas at some stations, which means you save money over time (and since electric cars don’t require oil changes or other maintenance visits, you save money on those too). And you never have to worry about filling up with dirty gasoline again! It's Super Convenient: Most people charge their car overnight in their garage so there's no reason to even think about stopping for fuel during the day.

Fuel Costs Are Lower

With an electric car, you won’t be spending any money on gas. Instead, you’ll be plugging your vehicle into a wall outlet at home or in your garage overnight and charging it back up to full capacity. There are also a growing number of electric-car charging stations across cities and towns in America—making it easier than ever to charge your car wherever you may need. When compared with traditional vehicles that get around 30 miles per gallon (mpg), running purely on electricity will result in significantly lower fuel costs; some estimates put costs at 50% less over ten years. That could mean a savings of thousands of dollars over time.

Driving an Electric Car is Cheaper than You Think

There are two big reasons why an electric car is cheaper than you think. First, there’s no gas to buy! That means no expensive fill-ups and fewer stops at a pump. If you do want to drive using electricity, there’s still a huge cost saving in that less electricity costs less money than gasoline. The average American spends $3,000 on gas every year. That expense will disappear when you switch to an electric car. Most owners see their monthly bills drop by hundreds of dollars even after paying for charging costs at home and work.

They Drive Quietly

By making virtually no noise, electric cars can drive at optimal speeds without disrupting those around them. Unlike conventional vehicles, electric cars don’t require a cabin full of bells and whistles to notify pedestrians when they’re close by. Pedestrians aren’t constantly warned by blaring horns, so they know when it’s safe to cross streets near an electric car. If you drive in a major city or live in a neighbourhood with narrow lanes, you likely understand how important it is to be aware of your surroundings at all times. The quiet operation of electric cars makes driving more pleasant and keeps pedestrians safer—it is one of their biggest benefits.

They Have Higher Performance than Internal Combustion Engines

While it may not seem like a big deal to drive a vehicle that’s slower than all of its competitors, electric cars have more performance than internal combustion engines. That extra power translates into greater acceleration, which is probably one of your top priorities in choosing a car. So you’ll notice that all-electric vehicles can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in under six seconds—or about as quickly as some supercars—while comparable internal combustion vehicles take closer to 10 seconds. Meanwhile, gas mileage for electric cars is around 100 mpg or higher (you can drive more than 700 miles on only one charge), while conventional vehicles sit at around 30 mpg or lower.

Charging Time Is Shorter Than Gasoline Cars

The charging time of an electric car is shorter than that of a gasoline-powered car. In one hour, an electric car can be fully charged, whereas a gas car may need up to 12 hours to charge. Charging is convenient and safe: Charging at home or work allows you to always have your vehicle charged when you need it. Modern EV charging stations also support fast charging and can charge your vehicle as quickly as possible while keeping energy costs down.


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